After recently posting about how I got my job, I received some feedback that I should share how I actually do my job. Given that my readers are the present and future leaders of this country and may even be in a position to making hiring decisions at some point, this is a perfect opportunity to show why it makes perfect sense to hire a person with a disability when they have the right skill-set. So let me tell you a little bit about my work day!
I get to the office around eight o’clock. The office is just three blocks from my apartment, so it’s just a short wheelchair ride away. Winter or not, I rarely wear a coat so I don’t have to ask anyone for help once I arrive.
All of the work I do throughout the day is on the computer. When I arrive, I have my wireless keyboard positioned on the edge of the desk so I can easily pull it on to my lap. The work I do as a Market Research Analyst in the Corporate Strategy department consists of primary and secondary research regarding the health insurance industry and its consumers. This work is highly analytical and makes use of the skills I’ve developed in school and through my internships.
One tool I have found to be extremely helpful in my professional life has been none other than my iPhone. Since my arms are weak, it becomes tiresome to maneuver my arms across the keyboard for an extended period of time. To avoid getting too tired, I often type things on my iPhone, email it to myself, and then copy and paste the text into the appropriate document. The iPhone allows me to make better use of my energy by moving my arms less as the keyboard on iPhone is very small.
Throughout the work day, I am without an aide except for the lunchtime period. My aide comes to feed me everyday and helps me use the bathroom if necessary. If I need help with little things like getting a drink of water, moving my feet, or on the rare occasion that I have to take off my coat, there is always a friendly colleague around who is willing to help. Due to my scoliosis my right foot tends to gravitate to my left, and while it isn’t necessary for me to have my feet spread, I always prefer to sit in the alpha male stance. I am very thankful to work with such kind people who are considerate of my wants and needs.
While the role I am in is challenging, the Company I work for is very supportive of its employees. In inclement weather I am able to work from home, which is very helpful on days like today! I have been in my role for just over two years and my team is also very supportive. My rapport with my co-workers is friendly. They have gotten to know me just as I have gotten to know them. I am very happy to have found such a great job in a tough economy, and it has been a great start to my career.