The purpose of this blog is to humanize the brand, and to share my own story as well as other’s who are disabling their limits to work toward their dream. If you know someone who inspires you in the way they disable their limits to achieve their goals, please nominate them to be featured on the site by filling out the nomination form. I mentioned in Who Told Me I Couldn’t that strangers approach me to tell me I am an inspiration, but they don’t even know my story. As somebody who is confident in their abilities, I don’t want nor do I need credit without merit. Make me earn it. Do you think Michael Jordan would care to be called the greatest basketball player of all time if nobody ever saw him play? I’m not saying I’m the best at anything, but you should learn my game before you make judgment. Consider this blog your floor seat to the best show in town. See and learn that everyday people are overcoming limits to make their lives better. In the words of one of my favorite music artists, “Sky is the limit.”