With 2017 in the rear view, I’m extremely grateful that I can say it was an amazing year, many thanks to so many of you. I cannot express how grateful I am for the support [...]
Melissa Shang and Creating a New Genre of Stories
Meet Melissa Shang, a middle schooler with a dream. Born with Charcot-Marie-Tooth, a form of muscular dystrophy, Melissa dreamed of writing a children’s story like one she had never read before. She wanted to write [...]
How Will the One-Winged Eagle was Conceived
About a month ago, I announced the birth of Will the One-Winged Eagle, my brand new children’s book; however, I never elaborated on how exactly Will was conceived. Well, I think it’s time we have [...]
Pt. 2: When an Article Becomes Real
I'm not as much of a skeptic as our president to say that I thought the first articles I read about Spinraza were "fake news", but I certainly took what I read with a grain [...]
Pt. 1: Stumbling Upon Spinraza
The first time I ever heard of Spinraza it was just a regular day at work. I stumbled upon an article about the first ever FDA-approved treatment for my disability perusing health care related publications, [...]
$3 Mojitos for All
Last week I went with a friend to TGI Friday's. Our intention was to sit on the balcony overlooking the Parkway, but it wasn't open due to a light drizzle. Nevertheless, the food would still [...]