Pt. 2: When an Article Becomes Real

I'm not as much of a skeptic as our president to say that I thought the first articles I read about Spinraza were "fake news", but I certainly took what I read with a grain of salt. The articles I came across didn't speak much to the impact of the drug, only that it was [...]

By |2018-07-21T22:48:16+00:00August 30th, 2017|blog|Comments Off on Pt. 2: When an Article Becomes Real

Pt. 1: Stumbling Upon Spinraza

The first time I ever heard of Spinraza it was just a regular day at work. I stumbled upon an article about the first ever FDA-approved treatment for my disability perusing health care related publications, a daily ritual of mine as a Market Research Analyst at a health insurance company. Spinraza quickly became a hot [...]

By |2018-07-21T22:52:28+00:00August 28th, 2017|blog|Comments Off on Pt. 1: Stumbling Upon Spinraza
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