Building the [dis]ABLE Community
The past few weeks for [dis]ABLE have been a whirlwind to say the least. We’ve launched a Kickstarter campaign to grow and expand the business, made a push to participate in more community events, and [...]
Life Beyond Disabling Limits
Whoever said life is a walk in the park is a liar, and not just because a select lucky few of us can’t actually walk. Life just simply is not that easy. Up until this [...]
[dis]ABLE the Winter Weather
I HATE the winter. The cold weather sucks, mostly because I hate wearing a jacket. Up through high school I wore one as much as my mom forced me, but once I moved out on my [...]
Alec Frazier: [dis]ABLE Social Limitations
As a person with autism, making friends has never been easy. Autism is very much a social disability. Throughout my youth, friends were frequently people around my age who were made for me by my [...]
[dis]ABLE the Dance Floor
A little while back I had the pleasure of working with Mouse of America's Got Talent Season 9 on a dance video. Thankfully Mouse reached out to me via Instagram and shared that his mother [...]
[dis]ABLE the Wheelchair
The other day my coworker approached me in my cubicle with a Lysol bottle and paper towels in hand. I thought she was coming to wipe down my desk, which is actually pretty tidy, but [...]